Curly-haired cats are a unique and delightful addition to any feline-loving family. Their distinctive curls add character and charm to their appearance, making them stand out among other cat breeds. In this blog post, we will explore some popular cat breeds with curly hair, discover the reasons behind their unusual tresses, and provide insights into grooming their glorious curls.

1. Popular Curly-Haired Cat Breeds:

Curly-haired cat breeds have captivated many with their adorable curls. Here are a few beloved cat breeds known for their curly coats:

Selkirk Rex:

These gentle and affectionate cats are revered for their thick, plush curly coats, which can have various curl types ranging from loose waves to tight curls.


LaPerms sport exceptionally curly coats coupled with outgoing personalities. Their ringlets or corkscrew curls make them irresistibly adorable.

Devon Rex:

With their large ears and curly, fine fur, Devon Rex cats are known for their playful nature and captivating charm. Despite their curly fur, they shed less than most other breeds.

Cornish Rex:

This breed boasts a unique, wavy coat that feels like soft, fine wool. Cornish Rex cats have an energetic and mischievous disposition, making them lively companions.

Photo by C. SHII on Unsplash

2. The Science Behind Curly Coats:

While some may think curly-haired cats have a magical genetic mutation responsible for their curls, science has uncovered the truth. A gene mutation called the Rex gene is the culprit behind their delightful and curly coats. This gene affects the structure of their hair, producing the distinctive curls we find so endearing.

Photo by Anna Bondarenko:

3. Grooming Tips for Cats with Curly Hair:

Grooming curly-haired cats requires special attention and care to maintain their exquisite curls. Here are some essential tips to keep their coats healthy and tangle-free:

  • Regular Brushing: Brush your cat’s fur gently and regularly to prevent matting and keep their curls in top shape. A fine-toothed comb or a comb specifically designed for cats with curly hair will be your best companion.

  • Bathing: Curly-haired cats benefit from occasional baths to keep their locks clean and prevent oil buildup. Use a cat-appropriate shampoo and conditioner recommended by your veterinarian.

  • Moisturizing Products: To enhance the appearance of your cat’s curls and prevent dryness, consider using cat-safe moisturizing products designed for curly-haired felines.

  • Trimming and Haircuts: Regular trims, especially around the face and ears, can help manage their fur length and keep it from obstructing their vision or causing discomfort.


Curly-haired cat breeds exude a unique charm with their mesmerizing curls, captivating both cat enthusiasts and admirers alike. Understanding the cat breeds with curly hair and the science behind their curly coats helps create a deeper appreciation for these feline wonders. Remember, proper grooming practices play a pivotal role in maintaining the health and allure of their curly locks. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, your curly-haired kitty can remain proud of their stunning curls for years to come.